We are excited to announce the nominees for the 5th Kenya E-Commerce Awards 2023!
The annual Kenya E-Commerce Awards is a notable event that acknowledges and celebrates the remarkable achievements of Kenya’s e-commerce industry.
The public and company self-nominations submitted this year’s award nominations between March 1st, 2023, and May 26th, 2023, and the response was amazing, with over 300 nominations received.
Factors such as innovation, consumer satisfaction, and the overall user experience of the e-commerce website influenced the final selection of nominees.
See the complete list of nominees and their categories below.
1. Baby, Personal Care & Home Products eCommerce
1a. Best Personal Care & Home Products eCommerce Website
- Luvia Beauty | luviabeauty.co.ke
- Tidy Kenya | tidy.co.ke
- Red Rhino Traders | myredrhino.com
1b. Best Baby and Kids eCommerce Website
- Kidslove Collection | kidslove.co.ke
- Savanna Baby Shop | savannababyshop.co.ke
- Peekaboo Kenya | peekaboo.ke
- Millan Baby Shop | millanbabyshop.com
2. Banking / Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) eCommerce
2a. Best Stockbroker eCommerce Website
- AIB-AXYS Africa
2b. Best Lipa Pole Pole (Partial Payment) Service Provider
- Aspira
- FlexPay
- Lipa Later
3. Beauty & Wellness eCommerce
3a. Best Beauty & Wellness eCommerce Website
- Luvia Beauty | luviabeauty.co.ke
- Jamboshoppe | jamboshop.com
- Mybigorder Kenya Ltd | mybigorder.com
- BeautyClick | beautyclick.co.ke
- Beauty Hub | beautyhub.co.ke
3b. Best Brand – Beauty & Wellness
- Herbella Organics | herbella.co.ke
- Keyara Botanicals | keyara.co.ke
- Huddah Store | huddahstore.com
- Suzie Beauty | suziebeauty.com
- Sheth Naturals | sheth.co.ke
4. Electronics & Gadgets eCommerce
4a. Best Computers, Office & Security eCommece Website
- Compland Shop | complandshop.com
- Bright Technologies | brightonline.co.ke
- Brainy Internet Group Ltd | brainyinternetgroup.co.ke
- Estech Limited | estech.co.ke
- Textbook Centre Kenya | textbookcentre.com
4b. Best Gaming Equipment eCommerce Website
- Vivid Gold | vividgold.co.ke
- Scartek Limited | scartek.co.ke
4c. Best Electronics & Electrical Appliances eCommerce Website
- Mobilehub kenya | mobilehub.co.ke
- Mac & More Solutions | mac-more.co.ke
- Obee Online Shop Kenya | obee.co.ke
- Willimall | willimall.co.ke
- Jamboshoppe | jamboshop.com
- Dukatech | dukatech.co.ke
- Mojakart Kenya | mojakart.co.ke
- JamboPay Market | JamboPay.Market
- Majid Trading | majid.co.ke
4d. Best Home Appliances eCommerce Website
- LG ONLINE BRANDSHOP Kenya | lg.brandshop.co.ke
- Armco Kenya | armcokenya.com
- Electromart Kenya | electromart.co.ke
- HotPoint Appliances | hotpoint.co.ke
- Majid Trading | majid.co.ke
5. Entertainment eCommerce
5a. Best Music streaming and download platforms
- BoomPlay | boomplaymusic.com
- Mdundo | mdundo.com
6. BookStore eCommerce
6a. Best BookStore eCommerce Website
- Nuria Store Kenya | nuriakenya.com
- Textbook Centre Kenya | textbookcentre.com
- Prestige Bookshop | prestigebookshop.com
- Werezi Books | werezi.com
- Attic Books Kenya | atticbooks.co.ke
7. Fashion & Apparel eCommerce
7a. Best FASHION / APPAREL OR FOOTWEAR eCommerce Website
- AMORE Kenya | amore.co.ke
- Sarai Afrique | saraiafrique.com
- Oneway Kenya | oneway.co.ke
- Eastleighio | eastleigh.io
- Denri Africa | denriafricastores.com
- Adelphi Kenya | adelphi.co.ke
- Citywalk Ltd | citywalk.co.ke
- BeadWORKS KENYA | beadworkskenya.com
7b. Best Fashion Marketplace eCommerce Website
- Shop Zetu | shopzetu.com
- Yaga | yaga.co.ke
7c. Best Jewelry eCommerce Website
- Zaveris Ltd | zaveris.co.ke
- SOKO | shopsoko.com
8. Food & Beverage eCommerce
8a. Best Food & Beverage eCommerce Website
- Cake City | cakecity.co.ke
- Kalimoni Greens | kalimonigreens.com
- GreenSpoon | GreenSpoon.co.ke
- Chandarana Foodplus | Foodplus.co.ke
8b. Best Brand – Food & Beverage
- Ketepa Tea – ketepa.com/e-shop
- Kericho Gold – kerichogold.com
- Kitui Flour Mills – shop.kituiflourmills.co.ke
- Unga Limited – unga.shop
9. Healthcare & Pharma eCommerce
9a. Best Healthcare & Pharma eCommerce Website
- The Health Cart | www.healthcart.co.ke
- MyDawa | mydawa.com
- Healthy U | healthyu.co.ke
- ePharmacy Kenya | epharmacyke.com
- Goodlife Pharmacy | Goodlife.co.ke
10. Automobile eCommerce
10a. Best Automobile eCommerce Website
- Car and General | cargen.com/onlineshop
- Carpokets | carpockets.co.ke
- Tyrex Kenya | tyrexkenya.co.ke
- Dial a Tire Kenya | dial-a-tyre.co.ke/shop
- Chloride Exide | chlorideexide.com
- ContiPartner | silverstone.co.ke
- Amex Auto Parts | amexautoparts.com
- Asumo Car Parts | asumocarparts.co.ke
11. Agriculture/ Agri-Inputs eCommerce
11a. Best Agriculture/ Agri-Inputs eCommerce Website
- Davis & Shirtliff | davisandshirtliff.com/shop
- Agroduka Limited | agroduka.com
- IRRI-HUB KENYA | irri-hub.com
- Chemsasa Solutions Limited | chemsasa.co.ke
- Farmers Trend Virtual Agrovet | agrovet.farmerstrend.co.ke
11b. Best Brand – Agriculture/ Agri-Inputs
- Simlaw Seeds | simlaw.co.ke
- Osho Chemicals | oshochem.com/shop
12. Petstore eCommerce
12a. Best Petstore eCommerce Website
- Petstore kenya | petstore.co.ke
- The Royal Pets | theroyalpets.com
- Petsasa Kenya | petsasa.co.ke
- Petzone Kenya | petzone.co.ke
13. Construction & Building Materials eCommerce
13a. Best Construction & Building Materials eCommerce Website
- M-jenzi | m-jenzi.com
- CTM Kenya Ltd | ctm.co.ke
- BIM Library East Africa – the Blea -bimlibraryeastafrica.com/shop
- Imarisha Mabati Ltd | imarishamabati.co.ke
14. Home & Office Furnishing eCommerce
14a. Best Home & Office Furnishing eCommerce Website
- CTM Kenya | ctm.co.ke
- Superfoam Ltd | superfoam.co.ke
- TACC Store | tacc.co.ke
14b. Best Home & Office Furniture eCommerce Website
- Furniture Palace | furniturepalacekenya.com
- Fairdeal Furniture | fairdealfurniture.co.ke
- Joyhome Furniture | joyhomefurniture.co.ke
15. Travel & Hospitality eCommerce
15a. Best Travel & Hospitality eCommerce Website
- Sarova Hotel & Resorts | sarovahotels.com
- Kenya Airways | kenya-airways.com
- Skyward Express | skywardexpress.co.ke
- Bellasafaris | bellasafaris.com
- Mamu Travel | mamutravel.com
- Gold Wing Hospitality – goldwinghospitality.co.ke
16. Supermarkets / Hypermarkets eCommerce
16a. Best Supermarkets / Hypermarkets eCommerce Website
- MAF Carrefour | carrefour.ke
- NAIVAS | naivas.online
- Mybigorder Kenya Ltd | www.mybigorder.com
- Cleanshelf Supermarket LTD | cleanshelf.co.ke
17. Gifts eCommerce
17a. Best Gifts eCommerce Website
- Purpink Gifts | purpink.co.ke
- Artmall Gift Shop | artmall.co.ke
- Pablo Gifts Shop | pablogiftshop.com
- Sure Gifts | suregifts.co.ke
- Nairobi Gifters | nairobigifters.co.ke
18. Sports eCommerce
18a. Best Sports eCommerce Website
- Decathlon Sports Kenya | decathlon.co.ke
- Nairobi Sports House | nairobisportshouse.com
- Fitness and Gym Kenya | fitnessgym.co.ke
- Inda Gym and fitness | gymandfitness.co.ke
18b. Best Brand Sports Nutrition eCommerce Website
- USN Ultimate Sports | usnkenya.com
19. eCommerce Escrow
19a. Best eCommerce Escrow Provider
- TradeSure | tradesure.co.ke
- Empower Smart Limited
- Arronax CapiCollect Payment platform
20. International/Export eCommerce
20a. Best international/Export eCommerce Website
- SOKO | shopsoko.com
- BeadWORKS Kenya| beadworkskenya.com
21. Ticketing Platform
21a. Best Events Ticketing Website
- KenyaBuzz
- Mtickets Kenya
21b. Best Bus Ticketing Website
- iAbiri
- Buupas Kenya
22. Real Estate Marketplace
22a. Best Real Estate Marketplace
- Buy Rent Kenya | buyrentkenya.com
- Jiji Kenya | jiji.co.ke
- Myspace Properties | myspace.co.ke
- Property24 | Property24.com
- M-Jenzi | mjenzi.co.ke
23. B2B eCommerce
23a. Best B2B eCommerce Website
- PG Bison Kenya | pgbison.co.ke
- Twiga Foods | twiga.shop
- Eastleighio | eastleigh.io
24. eCommerce Startup
24a. Best eCommerce Startup Website
- Zandaux Kenya Ltd
- Artmall Gift Shop
- Think Organic
- Scartek Limited
- The Chic Entrepreneur
- Peekaboo Kenya
- BIM Library East Africa – the Blea
- M-jenzi
- Skywave Home Appliances Kenya ltd
- E-Mart Kenya
- Patazone
25. eCommerce Agency (Small, Medium, Large)
25a. Best eCommerce Agency
- Peak & Dale Solutions
- Ujuzi Code Limited
- Tag Creative Kenya
- The Arts Group
- Beiless Group Limited
- OraDMA Digital Marketing Agency
- Agency Africa Interactive Ltd
- Emmerce Ltd
26. eCommerce SEO Agency
26a. Best eCommerce SEO Agency
- Peak & Dale Solutions
- Agency Africa Interactive Ltd
27. eCommerce Delivery & Logistics Partner
27a. Best eCommerce Fulfillment & Logistics
- MFT Fulfillment Center
- Ecomhub Fulfillment Services
- Sendy
27b. Best eCommerce Courier company
- G4S Kenya
- Wells Fargo
- Speedaf Logistics
27c. Best On-demand delivery app/platform
- Pick-up Mtaani
28. eCommerce Developer
28a. Best eCommerce Developer
- John Malindi – Peak and Dale
- Eric Mbaya – Digismart Solutions
- David M. – Webcom Kenya
29. Best eCommerce Payments Solutions Technology
29a. Best Online Payment Service Provider
- Pesapal Limited
- iPay
- Finserve (Jenga)
30. eCommerce Software Tool Or App
30a. Best eCommerce Software Solution
- Boxcommerce.com
- Uzapoint Technologies
31. Digital Addressing Solution
31a. Digital Addressing Solution
- MPost
32. eCommerce Rising Star
32a. eCommerce Rising Star
- Ovo Store
- Afristec Inc
- Dukago
- iAbiri
- Zandaux Kenya Ltd
- Peekaboo Kenya
- Milan Baby Shop
33. eCommerce Customer Service
33a. Best eCommerce Customer Service Team
- Vivid Gold
- Purpink gifts
- MAF Carrefour
- Cleanshelf Supermarket
34. eCommerce Business Personality
34a. eCommerce Business Personality of the Year
- Abdullahi Bulle – Nuria store
- Diana Bett -Purpink Gifts
- Abraham Mbuthia -Uzapoint
35. Social Commerce Platform
35a. Best Social Commerce platform
- Afristec Inc
- Yaga – yaga.co.ke
36. E-recruitment Platform
36a. Best E-recruitment Platform
- BrighterMonday Kenya
- Fuzu
- myjobsinkenya.com
37. Classifieds
37a. Best Classifieds
- Pigiame
- Digger classifieds
- Jiji Kenya
38. eCommerce Mobile App
38a. Best eCommerce Mobile App
- Wasoko App
- Carrefour App
- Grocery Pik App
- Jiji Kenya App
Congratulations to all the shortlisted award nominees 2023! 🎉🎉🎉 Your hard work, dedication, and commitment to providing exceptional e-commerce experiences have been recognized.
Public Voting
The online voting portal www.ecommerceawards.co.ke/vote opens on June 1, 2023, from 12am – 18th June 18, 2022, at 11 pm to determine the winner.
Awards Ceremony
The 2023 Kenya eCommerce Awards will be presented at a gala dinner and awards ceremony at Movenpick Hotel & Residences, Westlands. Nairobi Kenya on Friday 30th June 2023.
The event will once again be the perfect opportunity to network and celebrate achievements amongst peers, friends and colleagues in the Kenyan eCommerce industry. Reserve a Seat